FAQ – Nixoderm Ointment
Q: How to use the Nixoderm Ointment correctly?
A: Apply a thin layer of the ointment on the affected area twice daily. This treatment should be followed for 7 days then discontinue for 3 days and resume for further seven days. Continue this pattern of treatment until the condition has cleared up.
Q. What are the active ingredients and the functions?
1. Benzoic Acid : Provides anti fungal properties
2. Salicylic Acid : A keratolytic agent which treats acne
3. Precipitated sulphur : Mild anti septic, anti fungal and parasiticidal agent
Q: How much of Nixoderm Ointment should I apply?
A: Apply only a thin layer of the ointment. The amount apply should be good enough to cover the affected area.
Q: Can Nixoderm Ointment being use on any type of acne?
A: The ointment is suitable for moderate to less severe acne type.
Q: If I have sensitive skin, can I use Nixoderm Ointment?
A: Yes, you can by applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly over the affected area (excluded acne prone skin and oily skin) before applying the Nixoderm Ointment. It may cause slight smarting when Nixoderm Ointment is first applied.
Q: What is the function of the Ointment?
A: The ointment is specially formulated to treat pimple, blackhead, itchiness, rashes and ringworm of the skin and scalp.
Q: How should I wash it off?
A: Cleanser is required to totally remove it from the skin.
Q: How to use it to treat blackhead?
A: Apply only a thin layer of the ointment on the affected area overnight and wash it off the next day by using cleanser.
Q: Is it suitable for all skin types?
A: Suitable for acne prone skin.
Q: Can I used it on my whole face?
A: Apply the ointment on the affected areas only. Avoid using it on your whole face.
Q: Why Nixoderm ointment has a distinctive smell ?
A: The smell is from the active ingredient, namely Precipitated sulphur.